
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if a professional is writing my book?
How do I place my ghostwriting order?

Sign up on our website, and our representative will contact you shortly. You can explain all your project details to our representative. Once we’ve received all your requirements, we will immediately begin working on your project.

Can I get a sample of your work?

We usually don’t share our sample work with our customers because it’s confidential. However, we have some of our drafts on our website; you can view them for reference.

If I didn’t write it how can I claim the credit?

This is a common question many customers ask and the answer is when the idea and the story is yours, the credit is ultimately yours. We’re just writing it for you. Our experts can only write the content but the main storyline will remain yours. So in the end, the credit of the book is entirely yours.

Where do I find affordable ghostwriting services?

There are hundreds of websites that provide ghostwriting services. For you, the main question remains the same which is cheap services. So, Ghostwriting Online is the only platform that offers affordable ghostwriting services.